Philippine Electronic Theses and Dissertations

The Philippine Electronic Theses and Dissertations (PETD) is an initiative to create a platform that will serve as a repository of theses and dissertations for masteral and doctoral degrees from different academic institutions in the Philippines.

C&E Publishing, Inc.

C&E Publishing, Inc. offers high-quality textbooks, reference books, and other resources for reading and learning. Through C&E Bookshop, its chain of retail stores, the publishing company provides a wide selection of titles across all levels of learning and across all subjects and disciplines.

KITE Digital Educational Solutions

KITE Digital Educational Solutions (KDES) offers e-books, multimedia products, digital publications, and e-learning programs to schools and institutions. As the e-learning unit of C&E ALS, KITE Digital Educational Solutions provides innovative and engaging tools to enhance the learning experience.

CE-Logic, Inc.

CE-Logic, Inc. is widely recognized as a premier provider of e-learning and e-business solutions in the country. CE-Logic has consistently provided clients with reliable and relevant research and information-based solutions. CE-Logic’s products and services successfully integrate information and communications technology (ICT) to serve the needs of Philippine businesses, academic institutions, medical organizations, and government agencies.