College of Dentistry Call Center & Communication Analysis

Author/s: Brittany Morgan
Availability: Open Access
Type: Thesis
Year: 2012
Category: Medicine
Institution: University of Florida

Abstract: The team was asked to outline the process for implementing a call center at the College of Dentistry as well as identify problems with the current system. Current problems include an outdated phone tree, a non-user-friendly website, and coordinator's lack of formal training. Based on a tool used by the UF & Shands Access Center and historical call data from the College of Dentistry, the team was able to estimate the number of coordinators required to staff the call center. Overall, the team provided several solutions to the current problems with the phone tree and website and estimated additional resources that would be required for the call center. Though the call center is an investment of time and money, it will improve customer service, standardize operating procedures, and will allow call data to be captured more accurately.

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