Abstract: In the last twenty years, fine art photography has undergone a shift from photography that documents ‘reality’ to photography that is actively engaged in the construction of fictions or alternate realities. That is, from the ‘representation of drama’ to the ‘drama of representation’. Consequently the range of stories that photography can tell has also expanded. My work employs constructed photography to investigate the extent to which the conventions of narrative cinema can be appropriated and applied to the emerging genre of photo-cinema. In particular, my investigation has focused on performances, projections, projected meanings and projection technologies in the portrayal of mid-20’s relationships and their conflicts of love and longing. My research contributes to our collective knowledge and understanding of, and engagement with, the genre, history, themes, processes and production of photo-cinema works of art.
Home economics programs through the 1920s served varied purposes within higher education. This typology addresses three types of home economics programs - teaching, extension, and academia- through the lens of characteristics, curricula, and examples. Reviewing historical events that lead into the...
This thesis discusses exchanges between Britain and Greece as part of the Arts and Crafts Movement which took shape in England in the 1880s. It had an impact throughout Europe; its influence was especially significant on newly emergent nation states. Two important elements were the use of the past...