Using Video for Indoor Navigation Guidance

Author/s: Achmad Hakim
Availability: Open Access
Type: Thesis
Year: 2017
Category: Naval Science
Institution: Tampere University

Abstract: Buildings such as shopping malls or university campuses are complex and have always been a challenge to walk through. While map is the commonly used navigation aid, it has several limitations. On the other hand, there are studies about how visual navigation elements can help people to navigate better. This thesis would like to explore if video can be used as an alternative method to provide navigation information. The findings of visual navigation elements from other studies were implemented in videos. A user study was performed to see the feasibility of video to be used as an alternative medium to present navigation information. There were 10 participants who joined the user study. In the user study, the participants were asked to understand routes by reading a map and watching a navigation video and then walk to the specified rooms. Questionnaires were provided to the participants to record their experience in using the map and the video to understand the routes. Interviews were conducted at the end of each user study to get more comments and feedback from the participants. The user study showed that watching navigation videos allow participants to perform navigation in a more efficient manner with fewer error compared to reading maps. The experience of using videos to receive navigation information is also better compared to maps. The result of the user study suggests that providing navigational information in the form of video can be considered as an alternative to the traditional map. Furthermore, this thesis work also compiled recommendations on how to produce navigation videos

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